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March Release Notes 2023

Welcome to the March product updates blog. Take advantage of some great opportunities to become more self-sufficient with your data migrations.

Trujay product updates

Featured Update of the Month

[Objects] Ability to match records with existing records in the target CRM

This is a big one, so make sure to pay attention! πŸ€“

You now have the ability to set up record matching when your target CRM already has data in it! You can find this feature under Select Objects on the mapping page:

Screen Shot 2023-04-04 at 6.26.57 PM

We now have two options for object mappings:

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  • Migration is the process where we will try to create a new record based on the source data, and it's available as an option when the source CRM has the ability to read/view records and the target CRM has the ability to create records
  • Matching is the process where the you must associate the source record with the target record, and it's available as an option when the source and target CRMs have the ability to read/view records

Important: If the object being mapped supports these two strategies (migration & matching), we will apply only the migration strategy by default. If you also need matching for the object, you can select it, as seen in the video below. (For the Users object and Blog object (HubSpot only), we will automatically apply the matching strategy in addition to the migration strategy.)

When you add a matching strategy (Accounts to Companies, for example), you'll need to select the fields to use to associate the records. You can do this by clicking on the setting icon (located on the far right). If the icon is red, it means that you still need to set up the matching rules. If the matching fields are not selected, you won't be able to move to the next step.

You can see an example of this error message below:


Configuration: When you open the setting, you'll see a popup where you can select the fields/rules to be used for the record matching. The list of fields is based on the fields available within each object.


(For objects such as Users and Blog (HubSpot only), we have a predefined list of rules.)

If you choose both strategies (migration & matching), you will be able to match the record or choose to create it as new:


If you choose only the matching strategy, you will only be able to match the records:


If you choose only the migration strategy, the object will not display on the Match Records step:


Give it a try, and let us know what you think! For more information, view the video below πŸ‘






[Mapping] Improved display of field information within complex mapping blocks

In the past, it's been tough to identify if the fields you're mapping to - within complex mappings blocks - are native or custom, but that's now resolved with this latest release:

We've added the Field Role to complex mappings, as seen below.




Missing a feature?

Anything you're missing in our product? Drop us a message here to let us know! πŸ’Œ


Noah Hendricks

Noah Hendricks

When not knee-deep in his vegetable garden, wrestling with weeds, Noah can be found daydreaming about engaged and happy customers who never have to worry about their CRM because it’s working for them, not against them.

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